
 (Available in 01 TS COM - TS_COM_IUnknown)


Increment 'Ref-count' on the interface


oIObject:AddRef( )


Before storing the object in a new variable, the application should increment the 'ref-count' of the object by callinf 'AddRef()'. When the variable ( in witch the object is stored ) is no longer accessable, the program should decrement 'ref-count' by calling the 'Release()' method. The instance of the object will be destroyed ( and it's memory will be freed ) when the actual value of 'ref-count' reaches zero.

MSDN ==== IUnknown::AddRef The IUnknown::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object. It should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an interface on a given object.

ULONG AddRef(void);

Return Value Returns an integer from 1 to n, the value of the new reference count. This information is meant to be used for diagnostic/testing purposes only, because, in certain situations, the value may be unstable.

Remarks Objects use a reference counting mechanism to ensure that the lifetime of the object includes the lifetime of references to it. You use IUnknown::AddRef to stabilize a copy of an interface pointer. It can also be called when the life of a cloned pointer must extend beyond the lifetime of the original pointer. The cloned pointer must be released by calling IUnknown::Release.

Objects must be able to maintain (2 (31) )-1 outstanding pointer references. Therefore, the internal reference counter that IUnknown::AddRef maintains must be a 32-bit unsigned integer.

Notes to Callers Call this function for every new copy of an interface pointer that you make. For example, if you are passing a copy of a pointer back from a function, you must call IUnknown::AddRef on that pointer. You must also call IUnknown::AddRef on a pointer before passing it as an in-out parameter to a function; the function will call IUnknown::Release before copying the out-value on top of it.


RefCount = LONG ( Is not always the actual value, See 'Inside COM' )


ACCESS AIThis AS TS_AbstractIUnknown PASCAL CLASS SomeIObject
LOCAL oAIThis AS TS_AbstractIUnknown
   IF SELF:FInit
         oAIThis:AddRef( )
         TSTrace Fatal "oIThis==NULL_OBJECT"
      TSTrace Warning "!SELF:FInit"

FUNCTION DoSomeThing( oSomeIObject )
LOCAL oAIThis AS TS_AbstractIUnknown
// The method that passes the interface to this function
// uses 'AddRef()' to increment the 'ref-count'
// Use the interface in 'AIThis'
// When we are done using the interface, we need to use
// the 'Release()' method to decrement the 'ref-count'
   oAIThis:Release( )


LOCAL oCOMGlobalData AS _TS_COMGlobalData
   TSTrace Enter TIMED
   oCOMGlobalData:=_TS_ModuleGetCOMGlobalData( )
      EnterCriticalSection( oCOMGlobalData:_COMGGeneralPurposeSection )
         _TS_TraceTimedEnter( TS_TT_SYM_EXTERNAL, TS_TT_SYM_OUTERAIUNKNOWN, #AddRef  ; ...
        ... )
      loRefCount:=SELF:_OuterAIUnknown:AddRef( )
         _TS_TraceTimedLeave( TS_TT_SYM_EXTERNAL, TS_TT_SYM_OUTERAIUNKNOWN, #AddRef  ; ...
        ... )
      loRefCount:=SELF:_InternalAddRef( )
      LeaveCriticalSection( oCOMGlobalData:_COMGGeneralPurposeSection )
// loRefCount
   TSTrace Leave TIMED 
RETURN loRefCount