TS_AbstractIClassFactory | - | |
TS_AbstractIConnectionPoint | - | IConnectionPoint |
TS_AbstractIConnectionPointContainer | - | IConnectionPointContainer |
TS_AbstractIDispatch | - | IDispatch |
TS_AbstractITypeInfo | - | ITypeInfo |
TS_AbstractITypeLib | - | ITypeLib |
TS_AbstractIUnknown | - | IUnknown |
TS_Atomizer | - | |
TS_AtomizerItem | - | |
TS_DateTimeFromVariant | - | Place holder for COM date/time variants |
TS_DelegateIDispatch | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated IDispatch COM objects. |
TS_DelegateIDispatchAuto | - | |
TS_DelegateISink | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated COM ISink objects |
TS_DelegateIUnknown | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated COM objects. |
TS_Destructor | - | Destructor |
TS_DialogFromResource | - | |
TS_Error | - | Short |
TS_ErrorCallBack | - | This class is passed to the registered callback function. |
TS_ErrorStatus | - | Short |
TS_ErrorStatusError | - | Short |
TS_ErrorStatusFatal | - | Short |
TS_ErrorStatusToDo | - | Short |
TS_ErrorStatusWarning | - | Short |
TS_IAggregationInternals | - | TS_IAggregationInternals |
TS_IClassFactory | - | |
TS_IDispatch | - | Root class for all 'IDispatch'-classes. |
TS_IDispatchCoClass | - | |
TS_InterfaceSafe | - | Place holder for COM interface pointers |
TS_ISink | - | Root class for al dispatch-sink-classes |
TS_IUnknown | - | Root class for all TS-static-allocated COM objects. |
TS_NULL | - | Use to pass a typed NULL-value over the COM interface |
TS_PointerSafe | - | Place holder for pointers |
TS_Root0 | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated objects. |
TS_Root1 | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated objects that support an owner |
TS_Root2 | - | Root class for all TS-dynamic-allocated objects owner and owneds |
TS_ServerInfo | - | |
TS_ServerInfoGuard | - | |
TS_StaticObjectsRepo | - | |
TS_StatusBox | - | |
TS_String | - | String and BSTR(PTR) container |
TS_Traverse | - | |
TS_VariantArg | - |